Home >  Men >  Knee High Socks >  Bombas Men's Merino Wool Blend Everyday Compression Socks (15-20mmHg)

Bombas Men's Merino Wool Blend Everyday Compression Socks (15-20mmHg)*CLEARANCE SALES

  • Model: Ii7Tnya9
  • Units in Stock: 144

Now price: $41.00  $21.60
Save: 47% off

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Product Description

Made with a medium level of compression and the natural sweat-wicking power of a plush 52% Merino Wool Blend, these socks are the cozy way to support tired legs every day. Great for traveling, walking, or working on your feet all day like nurses do. Or maybe you??re pregnant and need something to help ease soreness after being on your feet. They??re good at that, too.?

Merino Wool Blend Everyday Compression Socks (15-20mmHg : 52% MERINO WOOL 21% NYLON 17% POLYESTER 10% ELASTANE

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We're Bombas

It sounds simple, but putting on clean, comfortable clothing every day is a powerful thing. With the help of our customers and Giving Partners, we wanted to offer new, clean clothes to everyone who needs them. So we created the most comfortable Bombas Socks, underwear, and t-shirts we could imagine. And for every clothing item you purchase, a clothing item of the same kind is donated to those experiencing homelessness.